A Touch of the Hand


A Touch of the Hand

Vivian Seville, Joyologist, CNA, LMT




Hello and Thank You for stopping by...

We have a whole new year before us to focus on creating possibilities.  Are you ready?

What is possible for you this year?

What are you not acknowledging in your life, that if you did acknowledge could change your whole reality?  Don't you love this question?

As a Health and Wellness Coach I want to contribute more to your life.  That is why I am more than a Massage Therapist.  I have created a tool bag for you that is filled with endless possibilities to assist you in creating a life and body of health, vitality and joy, by either working with your body directly through Massage, Lymph Drainage or Polarity, all the way to Emotional Release removing cellular memory, The Lefkoe Method to remove unwanted Beliefs and behaviors to Running Your Bars with Access Consciousness, as well as working with your DNA and more.   Check out my Services page to see how I might serve you.

If you feel the call for "MORE" in your life, but don't have the clarity or don't know where to begin, take a baby step and try a massage or a complimentary 15 minute Coaching session to get you started.  You will be amazed at what you will discover about your body and your desires through your body.

For those of you out of the area, not to worry, I have many years of experience working with clients long distance who have received desired outcomes from our work together.  

We came into this world as joyful human beings, lets remember what has been forgotten and begin creating our life on PURPOSE!

Give me a call and let's have a conversation!



Joyfully Yours,


Vivian Seville, CNA, LMT, Joyologist

Serving the Rim Country for over 19+ years.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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